cold spring
Albums scraped2021-12-16T01:51:31.735Z
Last updated2021-12-16T02:13:43.503Z
Released at
42Psychic TV - Batschkapp1985
50Psychic TV - Hacienda1985
21Edward Ka-Spel - Tanith and the Lion Tree1991
80Shinjuku Thief - The Scribbler1992
9Archon Satani - Mind Of Flesh & Bones1993
58John Watermann - Calcutta Gas Chamber1993
5Inade - Aldebaran1996
18Archon Satani - The Righteous Way To Completion1997
82Masonna - Spectrum Ripper1997
35Psychic TV - Themes 2: A Prayer For Derek Jarman1998
92Ignis Fatuus - The Futility Goddess1998
81Remanence - Apparitions1999
96Kerovnian - Far Beyond, Before the Time (Remastered)1999
73Von Thronstahl - Imperium Internum2000
76Novatron - New Rising Sun2000
100Band of Pain - Sacred Flesh2000
48Sleep Research Facility - Nostromo2001
86A Challenge of Honour - Wilhelm Gustloff2001
29The Grey Wolves - Blood and Sand2002
60Toroidh - Europe Is Dead2002
64Streicher - War Without End2002
30Necropolis - Necrosphere2003-10-15
26Turbund Sturmwerk - Turbund Sturmwerk2003
90Werkraum - Unsere Feuer Brennen!2004-04
97Folkstorm - Sweden2004-04
99Kreuzweg Ost - Edelrost2005
45Goatvargr - Goatvargr2006-03
16H.E.R.R. - Vondel's Lucifer - First Movement2006-08-00
91Bleiburg - Pieces Of A Broken Dream2006
72Merzbow vs. Nordvargr - Partikel II2007-02-09
6Sleep Research Facility - Deep_Frieze2007-04-00
25TenHornedBeast - The Sacred Truth2007-08
20H.E.R.R. - Fire And Glass: A Norwood Tragedy2007-09-00
70South Saturn Delta - Experience The Concreteness2007-10-16
71C.C.C.C. - Chaos Is The Cosmos2007-10-16
8Skitliv - Amfetamin2008-02-25
17Bleeding Heart Narrative - All That Was Missing We Never Had In The World2008-03-04
85Seelenlicht - Gods and Devils2008-03
19Sutcliffe Jügend - Pigdaddy2008-04-21
11Sagittarius - Songs From The Ivory Tower2008-05-16
3Nordvargr - Pyrrhula2008-06-17
74Alex Tiuniaev - I Knew Her2008-07-17
15Merzbow - Anicca2008-09-04
41The Triple Tree - Ghosts2008-09
59Satori - Contemptus Mundi2008-11-00
10Prurient - The Black Post Society2008-11-27
46Satori - Kanashibari2008
95Boyd Rice & Z'ev - Boyd Rice & Z'ev2008
36TenHornedBeast - My Horns Are A Flame To Draw Down The Truth2009-02-09
4Rose Rovine e Amanti - Demian2009-04-20
27Z'EV - Sum Things2009-05
37Iron Fist of the Sun - Behavioural Decline2009-10
87Cages - Folding Space2009-11-05
28All Hail The Transcending Ghost - All Hail The Transcending Ghost2009
31Splinterskin - Wayward Souls2009
79H.E.R.R. - XII Caesars2009
75Sehnsucht - Wüste2010-03-08
43TenHornedBeast - Hunts & Wars2010-05-07
61Fire In The Head - Confessions Of A Narcissist2010-05-25
47Goatvargr - Black Snow Epoch2010-06-30
33Skullflower - Fucked On A Pile Of Corpses2011-06-27
98Emme Ya - Atavistic Dreams & Phallic Totems2011-06-30
23Trepaneringsritualen - Veil The World2011-09-00
12Burial Hex - Book Of Delusions2011-10
55Machinefabriek - Veldwerk2011-11-21
77Heldentod - The Ghost Machine2012-01-09
32Psychic TV - Paramartha2012-02-00
1Sleep Research Facility - Stealth2012-04-09
54Sagittarius - The Kingdom Come2012-04-09
84Steven Severin - Vampyr2012-07-05
39Hirsute Pursuit - Tighten That Muscle Ring2012-07-10
49Schloss Tegal - Oranur III "The Third And Final Report"2012-12-31
53Emme Ya - Chthonic Transmission (Abysmi Vel Daath)2013-03-28
38Sutekh Hexen - Become2013-08-10
22Troum - Syzygie2013-09-30
65Z'EV - A Handful Of Elements2013-11-16
13Troum - Acouasme2013
69Mesektet - Towards a Bleak Sun2014-02-17
83Deadwood - Sheolic2014-02-17
88Shift - Altamont Rising2014-04-07
56Psychic TV - Thee Fabulous Feast Ov Flowering Light2014-04-19
2Trepaneringsritualen - Perfection & Permanence2014-07-08
44Skullflower - Draconis2014-09-26
14Merzbow - Nezumimochi2014-11-20
63MZ.412 - Hekatomb2015-03-02
66Iron Fist of the Sun - We Can Yield Our Own Footsteps2015-06-29
62she spread sorrow - Rumspringa2015-08-02
52Hijokaidan - Emergency Stairway To Heaven2015-10-28
93Z'EV - Eleven Mirrors To The Light2015-12-28
40Sutcliffe Jügend - Offal2016-05-09
24Merzbow - Partikel III2016-09-30
94Sun Ra | Merzbow - Strange City2016-10-12
67Common Eider, King Eider - Extinction2016
7Nytt Land - Fimbulvinter2017-01-06
89La breiche - Le Mal Des Ardents2017-02-06
34The Telescopes - Stone Tape2017-11-20
68Llyn y Cwn - Twll Du2018-02-22
78Nytt Land - Oðal2018-03-25
51Mayuko Hino - Lunisolar2018-04-23
57Skullflower - The Spirals Of Great Harm2021-03-11